Monday, 7 September 2015

September 2015 Update

School has started back and so the kids and Becky are going at it full-tilt. Nathaniel is in Preschool 4, and Bethany is in Preschool 3 and they are both loving it once again. They study reading and writing as well as Swahili, dance and music.  One of the entertaining things about the kids attending international school here is that they learn childhood songs and games in slightly different versions. Quite hilarious at times.  

Things are picking up again for Becky as she is teaching part-time at Acacia International Senior School. She is teaching a course called IGCSE Biology and is also mentoring a Ugandan teacher. The science department at school has swelled from 1 teacher to 4, and so she is also providing leadership to the team. 
Becky’s other ministry here the Moms’ Group that she hosts weekly at our house. Imagine living in a foreign country, surrounded by barbed-wire topped compound walls, with no parks, libraries, or even sidewalks to provide an outlet for trapped moms and young kids. The group provides community for moms who bring their kids each week for fun, fellowship and bowls and bowls of popcorn! We also have the privilege of hosting missionary moms and their kids who come into Kampala for respite from serving in other parts of Africa like South Sudan.

Jay has been involved with several projects during our time here, and his most recent, and largest project is just coming to an end. The new Missions Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and Engineering Ministries International (EMI) office building is now occupied! Although there are still lots of things that need to be done, the building is now both functional and beautiful!

Jay has also had more recent opportunities to get to know some of the construction crew over the past month. The site project manager went back to the US at the beginning of August for home assignment, so Jay has been doing both his current job (office project manager) and the site manager role this past month. It's been a crazy busy month but Jay has loved the experience and gotten to know some of site guys better. On August 18th Jay got to lead the monthly chapel with the site guys (over 50 guys!) and it was a great time.
With the new office up and running, nearly all of our teammates here have moved out of our neighbourhood to be closer to the new office, which is nearly 45 minutes away by car. This has been a sad transition for all of us, as we are now significantly farther from friends we saw several times a week. 
Around our house, we have been counting down the days until Becky’s parents arrive for a 2 week vacation with us. They get here in a few hours! Becky will be taking 3 days off of work, and Jay will be taking some time as well: this break is LONG overdue, as our last vacation was last Christmas, and it has been nearly 18 months since Becky and the kids saw family.

As for the future, after much prayer and consideration, we feel at peace to return back to Canada at the end of our 2 year contract with EMI. We are sad to leave our friends, our schools, our work, and our ministries, but we are hopeful for what God has planned next for us.

Prayer requests:

·         Endurance for Jay as he finishes up the MAF/EMI building
·         Rest for us all during Becky’s parents’ visit
·         Wisdom for Becky as she teaches and mentors
·         Clear guidance as we make decisions and prepare to head back to North America
·         Wisdom for Nathaniel and Bethany’s teachers as they support them in their learning

Jay, Becky, Nate & Beth

 If you would like to contribute to our support account, please go to There are options for donating from the US or Canada. You can donate by CC or check. If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail.

Nate on his first day of school
Beth on the first day
Some of Becky's Grade 9 Biology students

Jay & the kids wrestling in our back yard

The kids with our former neighbor Rose. We miss you ROSE!!

Beth with Rose's dog Jumper

Jay taking the kids for a ride in our back yard

Beth loves to hold babies

Popcorn at Mom's group!

Mom's group

Date night at our local "Pork Joint"

Mommy got everyone a special treat for dessert!

Jay with some awesome guys from site!

Some pictures of the new office

Jay leading the monthly site chapel a few weeks ago. We also had some sodas that day!

Willy, one of the site guys, translating the verses into Luganda.

Saturday morning errand